Will my courses work for your State?
NOTE: The Insurance Exam Queen course will not count as credit towards a State that require pre-licensing educations hours or certifications.
All state exams use the ISO, The Insurance Services Offices general policies to create the exam. This is what I teach off.
The bulk of every state exam is the same from one state to another. They all share the most common, most tested topics and all my class series are built around that.
You’ll use my Class Series Videos to explain and make sense of the written texts of any State Approved Course. Check my recommendation for YOUR State.
State-approved Course Requirements
Some states require you to complete a state-approved course and even earn a certificate through that course in order to sit down to take the exam. Some states do not require you to complete anything before you sit down for your exam.
Either way, I recommend a state-approved course to prepare you to see what is on the exam, provide you with practice questions, and give you your unique state laws. There are some state exams that have easy exam breakdowns and many people have reported in Texas that using my material has been enough to pass the exam, without an additional course.
Click the button to check if you need a state-approved course!
NOTE: A new tab to the www.staterequirement.com website will open on your device
Pre-Licensing Course
I recommend the XCEL
Pre-Licensing Course*
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P&C GOLD Course absolutely FREE
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*NOTE: This offer only works with Xcel’s $199 course
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For Your State
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Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Alabama, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested typically being around 5% to 10%, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and can be up to 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Alabama tests the heaviest on Commercial Policies. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercials at all, so you can skip this paragraph. Commercial takes up over 25% your exam score and it is an important component to you securing a pass on the exam. However, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. If you’re taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Alaska, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult.
What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood. Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Alaska’s state exam has this chapter at around 45% of the exam! This is a very important chapter for your exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Arizona, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Arizona has this chapter tested typically around 6% to 7% depending on if you are taking just Personal Lines, or Just Property etc., but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and makes up almost 20% of your exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters.
You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class. There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math.
It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Arkansas, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Arkansas state exam has this chapter at around 20% of the exam! This is a very important chapter for your exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in California, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
In CA you want to focus on General Insurance (31% of your Exam) and Personal Lines (38% of your exam) is made up of Dwelling, Home, Auto, Flood and Umbrella. These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is 31% of your exam and is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. You want to be very good at knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
Dwelling and Homeowners (Property Policies) can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are Named or Open Peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
Flood is also a part of personal lines but it’s not a highly tested topic. There are some key things to know about flood and my Royal Treatment Class Series will go over them and tell you what to memorize.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Now, in CA, Commercial is a big chuck on the exam, over 30%, BUT you do not need to know Commercial Policies to be able to pass because you only need a 60% to pass your whole exam. Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split Limit and Per Occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Umbrella Policies are an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Pet insurance only makes up 2% of the whole exam so it’s not worth your brain space to know it. I do not cover it at all. In short, Get My Royal Treatment Class Series which includes Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. All come with 100 days of access.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Colorado, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Colorado’s state exam has this chapter at around 35% of the exam! This is a very important chapter for your exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Connecticut, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Delaware, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 50% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Washington DC
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Washington DC, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Florida, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Georgia, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 20% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Hawaii, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Idaho, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is 20% – 25% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Illinois, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 35% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Indiana, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 25% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Iowa, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Kansas, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Kentucky, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– Principle of Insurance / General Insurance
– Policy Provisions & Contract Law
– Dwelling and Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance – this is called Principles of Insurance for your Exam Outline – is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at 6%, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
Policy Provisions & Contract Law – This is called Insurance Contract, Insurance Company Organization & Regulation and Insurance Transaction on your exam – is one of the most important chapters and can be up to 18% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Louisiana, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 12%-15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is 15% – 25% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Maine, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Maryland, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
– State Law
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 7-9% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is 13% – 28% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam, around 30-40%. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Massachusetts, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
– State Law
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is 17 to 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be decent in state law. It’s a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Michigan, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
– State Law
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is 25% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be decent in state law. The percentage of the exam is only around 10%. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
New Mexico
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in New Mexico, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% to 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Minnesota, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 20-30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Mississippi, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 20-30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Missouri, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Montana, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Nevada, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
New Hampshire
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in New Hampshire, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. This chapter is tested at around 15% of your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
New York
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in New York, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
New Jersey
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in New Jersey, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Nebraska, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 15% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
North Carolina
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in North Carolina, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
North Dakota
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in North Dakota, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Ohio, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 15% to 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Oklahoma, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 25% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Oregon, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% to 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 15% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Pennsylvania, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Rhode Island
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Rhode Island, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 35% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
South Carolina
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in South Carolina, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% to 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
South Dakota
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in South Dakota, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 30% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Tennessee, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 25% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Texas, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 25% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Utah, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% to 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 15% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Vermont, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 15% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Virginia, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 15% to 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Washington, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% to 15% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
West Virginia
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in West Virginia, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Wisconsin, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
– Principles of Insurance / General Insurance
– P&C Basics
– Dwelling
– Homeowners
– Auto
These categories require memorization of names, amounts, some math, and a working understanding of how this type of insurance works.
General Insurance is the foundational chapter and when you know it well, it helps with all the other chapters. Most states will range in how much this chapter is tested at around 10% on your exam, but since it’s the foundation for all else, you want to be decent in knowing these terms, especially anything related to contract law. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a General Insurance Terms Class.
P&C Basics is one of the most important chapters and is around15% to 20% of the state exam. This chapter covers Policy Structure, Policy Provisions, and lots of definitions. All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a P&C Basics Class.
Dwelling & Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You want to focus on policy names, policy coverages and amounts, which are named or open peril. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Dwelling and Homeowners Class.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply. The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
Commercial Policies will not normally make or break your ability to pass your exam. If you are taking Personal Lines, you do not need commercial at all, so you can skip this paragraph. It is great to have some working knowledge to secure points from this section – but, Commercial is hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you do not need to know it all.
All of my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on, saving you hours and stress. My Gold Series has the most extensive commercial videos – including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds. Again, if you are taking the Personal Lines exam, you do not need to know any Commercial Policies.
For Auto insurance, you’ll get tested on both Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto Class that tells you what to focus on.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. It is a decent percentage of the exam. You need to know which regulations and numbers are the most important and most tested. I teach you what areas to focus on and memorize from these chapters. You will find this in the regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
Download the PDF* or read below what I have written up what is most important for your state exam if you are in Wyoming, and where you should spend your time during your studies. (*PDF correction: ‘Platinum’ package is no longer available.)
Insurance Terms and Related Concepts, and Policy Provisions and Contract Law are two of the simplest chapters to study since they have the least amount of material to study, usually about 20 pages in total for both chapters. It is very easy to grab many points here, then it is to grab them in any of the other chapters.
Most of these chapters are definitions that can be easy to memorize when you use my class series. If you have already studied and failed, these are most likely the chapters you need help on.
For the Types of Property chapter, it can be really difficult to grab many points here because the chapter is so large. You’re reading a hundred pages worth of study, so trying to secure points across hundreds of pages worth of material can be difficult. What I encourage people to do is to focus on Dwelling, Homeowners, and Flood.
Dwelling and Homeowners can seem difficult to understand but after I break them down in my Royal Treatment Class Series, you’ll see how easy you can get a lot of points in these chapters. You’ll want to focus on Policy names, Policy Coverages and Amounts, which are Named or Open Peril.
There are also math questions related to Property Policies, but you never quite know if you’ll get 0 or 5 questions with math. It won’t break you to fail every math question if you are strong in other areas, but it certainly helps to be prepared for them and I teach them very simply.
The math on the exam requires a memorization of insurance rules, coverage amounts, an equation to learn and input into a calculator (most every state allows calculators). All my Royal Treatment Class Series include math examples.
For Types of Casualty, this is another hundred page chapter that can be difficult to secure points in, so we focus on Personal Auto and Commercial Auto. Personal Auto is easier, so make that your biggest focus. Memorize the Parts of an Auto Policy, how they respond in an accident and definitions like Split limit and Per occurrence. Umbrella also comes from this chapter too and that’s an easy concept to get points on. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include an Auto and Umbrella Class that tells you what to focus on.
Commercial Policies are inside both Types of Property and Types of Casualty. Commercial Policies are hundreds of pages worth of study and content and you don’t need to know it all. All my Royal Treatment Class Series include a Commercial Class that tells you what to focus on with my Gold Series having the most extensive commercial videos including CGL, Workers Comp and Bonds.
Lastly, you want to be really decent in state law. Your state exams has this chapter at around 40% or more of the exam. While every state is different and has different numbers, you need to know which numbers are important, and which things you should memorize from this chapter. I teach that information in my insurance regulations classes which are included in all my Royal Treatment Class Series.
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My Class Series comes in these packages: Gold, Silver and Bronze and all give 100 days access.
Buy my Course: Property & Casualty: GOLD
Gold is ALWAYS the recommended class series for all students as it teaches the material in more depth. Over 30 hours of the most in depth classes with a more intensive teaching of the topic, plus colorful student notes and practice questions. With Gold, you will also get access to Silver and Bronze, all for $97
Buy my Course: Property & Casualty: GOLD + Quizzes + Exams Bundle
Gold is ALWAYS the recommended class series for all students as it teaches the material in more depth. The bundle is paired with a large, carefully crafted question bank for your exam prep. Over 30 hours of the most in depth classes with a more intensive teaching of the topic, plus colorful student notes and practice questions. With Gold, you will also get access to Silver and Bronze! Bundle and save $137.
Buy my Course: Property& Casualty: SILVER
Silver is designed as a deeper review with 14 hours of video for $57.
Buy my Course: Property & Casualty: BRONZE
Basic Review with 8 hours of class recordings for $27.